lunes, septiembre 30, 2024

Concierto de The National en el Primavera Sound 2024 #TheNational #National #Primavera #PS2024 #PrimaveraSound

En este último episodio del mes de Septiembre en os propongo uno de los conciertos que no me habría perdido por nada del mundo del festival de los festivales: Primavera Sound, el de The National !!!

The National at Primavera Sound Barcelona 2024


0:00:00 Sea of Love
0:03:44 Eucalyptus
0:08:06 Tropic Morning News
0:13:49 Don’t Swallow the Cap
0:18:22 Squalor Victoria
0:23:07 Bloodbuzz Ohio
0:28:18 The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness
0:32:48 I Need My Girl
0:37:12 Conversation 16
0:41:43 Abel
0:45:29 Alien
0:50:05 Smoke Detector
0:56:45 Day I Die
1:01:17 Rylan
1:06:01 England
1:11:21 Graceless
1:16:19 Fake Empire
1:20:23 Space Invader
1:26:44 Light Years
1:30:37 Mr. November
1:35:07 Terrible Love
1:40:20 About Today

Wake me up When September Ends - by Green Day at La Caja Mágica - June 2024 #WakeMeUp #SeptemberEnds #GreenDay #Septiembre #SeptiembreSeAcaba #musica #cancion

Hoy 30 de Septiembre de 2024 es precisamente el último día del mes, y entonces viene al pelo la canción de Green Day en su concierto de Junio de 2024 en La Caja Mágica: Wake me up When Sptember Ends:

Green Day - Wake me up when september ends @ Madrid

Concert de Green Day al Road to Rio Babel Caja Magica (Madrid) 1 juny 2024

domingo, septiembre 29, 2024

Debaser by Pixies en Razzmatazz - Barcelona Julio 2024 #Pixies #Debaser #Barcelona #Razzmatazz

El pasado mes de Julio asistí a este concierto de Pixies en la Sala Razzmatazz de Barcelona, y ahora encontré algunas canciones subidas por Lluís Farré a Youtube que pueden ser interesantes para revivir el momento.

 Esta es la canción de Debaser by Pixies en Razzmatazz de 24 de Julio de 2024: 

Pixies - Debaser, Razzmatazz, Barcelona, 24 July 2024

TED-ED: ¿Qué pasa cuando pisas el acelerador del coche? o ¿Cómo funciona el motor de un coche? (by Shannon Odell

En el post que os traigo hoy se trata de dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿Qué pasa cuando pisas el acelerador del coche? o ¿Cómo funciona el motor de un coche?

How does a car engine works? - This is what happens when you hit the gas - Shannon Odell

Explore the differences between how a car’s internal combustion engine and an electric vehicle’s induction motor use fuel. -- In 2015, two men drove a Volkswagen across the US on just over 100 gallons of fuel. Their 81-mile-per-gallon performance doubled the car’s estimated fuel rating, and set the record for the lowest fuel consumption ride of a diesel car. The duo were experts in techniques that maximize fuel efficiency. So, how did their strategy save fuel? Shannon Odell explores what’s going on beneath a car’s hood. Lesson by Shannon Odell, directed by Kevin Herrmann, AIM Creative Studios. This video made possible in collaboration with Speed & Scale Learn more about how TED-Ed partnerships work: A special thanks to Daniel Sperling and Shima Nazari who provided information and insights for the development of this video. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: Check out our merch: ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: Follow us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Peep us on Instagram: ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: Dig deeper with additional resources: Animator's website: Music:   / aim-music  

sábado, septiembre 28, 2024

Concierto Tiny Desk: Harry Styles #HarryStyles #concert #TinyDesk #TinyDeskConcert #music

En el post que os propongo hoy os traigo una nueva edición del NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert estavez la que ofreció Harry Styles en Feberero de 2020:

Harry Styles: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

This performance was recorded on February 25, 2020. We will continue releasing Tiny Desk videos of shows that had already been taped. In light of current events, NPR is postponing new live tapings of Tiny Desk Concerts. In the meantime, check out Tiny Desk (home) concerts! They’re recorded by the artists in their home. It’s the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. Watch Harry Styles play "Cherry", "Watermelon Sugar", "To Be So Lonely" and "Adore You" at the Tiny Desk. Did you know you can watch new Tiny Desk concerts on ONE WEEK before they go up on YouTube? Click here: Follow NPR Music: Twitter:   / nprmusic   Instagram:   / nprmusic   March 16, 2020 | Lyndsey McKenna and Marissa Lorusso -- Like many who have graced the Tiny Desk before him, the awkwardness of performing in a working office wasn't lost on Harry Styles. "It just feels like you're in the way," he joked. But when you watch his set from behind Bob Boilen's desk, you'd never suspect any discomfort. Backed by his touring band, Styles performed several songs from his latest solo album, Fine Line. Between tracks, he talked about the process of writing these songs: From the day off in Nashville that led to "Watermelon Sugar," to the feeling of lovesickness he tried to capture in "Adore You." The camaraderie between the band was clear; and Styles was in on the joy, twirling in his seat between verses. Styles might not necessarily be the first name that comes to mind when you think of public radio's only working, desk-music-discovery platform. After all, he's got a wildly devoted fanbase that's followed his every move since his One Direction days. In fact, before soundcheck had even started, a crowd of fans had begun to gather outside NPR HQ. They rightly suspected he would be playing a Tiny Desk concert after word got out that the former One Directioner was spotted in D.C. with no tour date on his public schedule. But beyond the headlines, Styles has proven to be an artist who takes his songcraft and aesthetic seriously, interested in subverting expectations of what a pop star can and should sound like in 2020. That sense of unpretentious creativity is exactly what he brought to his Tiny Desk performance – and it definitely earned him some new adoring public radio fans in the process. "I have to come into NPR more often," Styles said after he and his band played their first song. "It's nice here." We — and our massive crowd of colleagues — couldn't agree more. SET LIST "Cherry" "Watermelon Sugar" "To Be So Lonely" "Adore You" MUSICIANS Harry Styles: vocals, guitar; Sarah Jones: drums, vocals; Mitch Rowland: guitar; Adam Prendergast: bass, vocals; Ny Oh: guitar, vocals; Charlotte Clark: piano, Wurlitzer, guitar, vocals CREDITS Producers: Robin Hilton, Morgan Noelle Smith; Creative director: Bob Boilen; Audio engineers: Josh Rogosin, James Willetts; Videographers: Kara Frame, CJ Riculan, Melany Rochester, Morgan Noelle Smith; Associate Producer: Bobby Carter; Production Assistant: Shanti Hands; Executive producer: Lauren Onkey; VP, programming: Anya Grundmann; Photo: Max Posner/NPR

viernes, septiembre 27, 2024

Rosalía y su conexión con Oblique Strategies de Brian Eno y Peter Schmidt #ObliqueStrategies #Rosalia #LaRosalia #BrianEno #PeterSchmidt

 Hace unos días, en una de las fotos que la cantante Rosalía colgó en las redes sociales, alguien vio una posible revelación para encontrar su inspiración para próximos temas. Resulta que Rosalía tenía cartas de un juego analógico que creó el Brian Eno que se titula Oblique Strategies. Yo me enteré por un breve de La Vanguardia...

Oblique Strategies es según Wikipedia un método basado en tarjetas para promover la creatividad, creado conjuntamente por el músico y artista Brian Eno y el artista multimedia Peter Schmidt. Se publicó por primera vez en 1975. Se ve que la idea venía del propio Peter Schmidt que en 1970 creó "The Thoughts Behind the Thoughts", una caja que ya contenía 55 frases impresas sobre impresiones en desuso acumuladas en su estudio de grabación.

Parece que Oblique Strategies sigue a la venta en la denominada Eno Shop

Over One Hundred Worthwhile Dilemmas by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt

In 1975, Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno created the original pack of Oblique Strategies cards, through thinking about approaches to their own work as artist and musician. The Oblique Strategies constitute a set of over 100 cards, each of which is a suggestion of a course of action or thinking to assist in creative situations. These famous cards have been used by many artists and creative people all over the world since their initial publication. Fifth edition 2001.

jueves, septiembre 26, 2024

Basket Case by Green Day - Live June 2024 - La Caja Mágica #GreenDay #live #concierto #BasketCase #CajaMagica

Hoy os traigo una de las canciones más conocidas de Green Day, se trata de Basket Case en el concierto que ofrecieron en Junio en la Caja Mágica de Madrid:

Green Day - Basket Case @ Madrid

Concert de Green Day al Road to Rio Babel
Caja Magica (Madrid)
1 juny 2024

miércoles, septiembre 25, 2024

Quote sobre qué es shetou o cabeza de serpiente (leído en "Cabeza de serpiente: Una epopeya oscura en Chinatown" by Patrick Radden Keefe) #cabezaserpiente #shetou

A continuación una de las frases del recomendable libro "Cabeza de serpiente: Una epopeya oscura en Chinatown" by Patrick Radden Keefe. En esta frase de los primeros capítulos del libro habla del significado de shetou o cabeza de serpiente:

Con cuarenta y cuatro años, no era solo tendera y dueña de un restaurante, sino asimismo una especie de consejera del pueblo en el claustrofóbicamente íntimo rincón de Chinatown donde residía. Era una suerte de banquera, y también algo más. Era lo que los chinos denominan shetou, o «cabeza de serpiente», una especie de agente de Inmigración que cobra grandes sumas por sacar de contrabando personas de China y llevarlas a otros países."

from "Cabeza de serpiente: Una epopeya oscura en Chinatown" by Patrick Radden Keefe, Eduardo Iriarte Goñi

martes, septiembre 24, 2024

Vídeo: Cape Forestier (by Angus & Julia Stone ) #CapeForestier #AngusJuliaStone #videomusical #musica

Os propongo un vídeo oficial que publicó en Marzo de 2024 los hermanos Angus y Julia Stone titulado Cape Forestier:

Angus & Julia Stone - Cape Forestier (Official Music Video)

Edited by Sean McDonald

Big thanks to all our lovely friends who have captured these moments over the years.

Jessie Hill, Stefan Jose, Jarrad Seng, Shayne Allen, Rakhal Heijtel, Hector Dockrill, Cathy Oates to name a few.

And to all the beautiful people who have been on this journey with us! Thank you!

Pre save Angus & Julia Stone 'Cape Forestier' on streaming platforms here:

The new album 'Cape Forestier' is out on May 10th. Pre-order here:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: / @angusandjuliastone

Follow us on:
Facebook: / angusandjulia
Twitter: / angusjuliastone
Instagram: / angusandjuliastone
Apple Music: / angus-julia-stone
Soundcloud: / angusandjuliastonezappp

TED. ¿Cómo la IA está desbloqueando los secretos de la naturaleza y el universo? (by Demis Hassabis) #TED #IA #secretos #naturaleza #universo #DemisHassabis #AI #unlock#secret #nature #universe

Hoy os quiero mostrar una interesante charla TED realizada por Demis Hassabis y que lleva por título "How AI Is Unlocking the Secrets of Nature and the Universe" que podría traducirse como ¿Cómo la IA está desbloqueando los secretos de la naturaleza y el universo?

How AI Is Unlocking the Secrets of Nature and the Universe | Demis Hassabis | TED

Can AI help us answer life’s biggest questions? In this visionary conversation, Google DeepMind cofounder and CEO Demis Hassabis delves into the history and incredible capabilities of AI with head of TED Chris Anderson. Hassabis explains how AI models like AlphaFold — which accurately predicted the shapes of all 200 million proteins known to science in under a year — have already accelerated scientific discovery in ways that will benefit humanity. Next up? Hassabis says AI has the potential to unlock the greatest mysteries surrounding our minds, bodies and the universe. If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas: Follow TED! X:   / tedtalks   Instagram:   / ted   Facebook:   / ted   LinkedIn:   / ted-conferences   TikTok:   / tedtoks   The TED Talks channel features talks, performances and original series from the world's leading thinkers and doers. Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Watch more:    • How AI Is Unlocking the Secrets of Na...   TED's videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy: For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at #TED #TEDTalks #AI

lunes, septiembre 23, 2024

Recomiendo la serie DE DAG (en Filmin) #DeDag #ElDia #serie #recomiendo #recomiendoserie #serierecomendable #Filmin #quever

En el post de hoy quiero recomendar la serie belga titulada DE DAG que viene a ser EL DIA or THE DAY disponible en Filmin, en "El día: un atraco, dos puntos de vista"

Se trata de una serie del año 2018 de 12 episodios que relata casi en formato de la serie 24 cómo se vive desde fuera y desde dentro un intento de robo con secuestro de un banco en una localidad fuera de Bruselas en Bélgica.

La serie se basa mucho en la capacidad de los negociadores para tratar de averiguar información, así como de la planificación y recursos de los propios atracadores / secuestradores.

Desde Filmaffinity aportan esta sinopsis que no se aleja mucho de la mía... "El atraco de un banco conmociona a una pequeña ciudad flamenca. Los atracadores se atrincheran dentro del banco, donde tienen secuestradas a algunas personas. La policía llega a las instalaciones e intenta controlar la situación."

La serie De Dag está dirigida por Gilles Coullier y Dries Vos, y cuenta con el guión de Jonas Geimaert y Julie Mahieu.

El reparto de la serie De Dag está conformado por Sophie Decleir, Liesa Van der Aa, Jeroen Perceval, Cedric Tylleman, Ilse de Vis, Dolores Bouckaert, Lukas de Wolf, Titus de Voogdt, Willy Thomas, Ruth Becquart, Johan van Assche, Michel Bauwens, Maaike Neuville y ZouZou Ben Chikha.

Desde os la recomiendo!!!

domingo, septiembre 22, 2024

TED-ED: ¿Por qué comemos palomitas viendo películas? (by Andrew Smith) #TEDED #palomitas #popcorn #cine #cinema #peli #pelicula #why #porque

En el post de hoy domingo os propongo el TED-ED que trata de dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿Por qué comemos palomitas viendo películas? de un tal Andrew Smith:

Why do we eat popcorn at the movies? - Andrew Smith

Trace the history of popcorn, from its origins in the Americas to its explosion of popularity in the 20th century.
Soft percussion and a toasty scent mark the violent transformation of tough seeds into cloud-like puffs. This is the almost magical process of popcorn-making. Dozens of kinds of popcorn are now grown in the US, with different strains assuming distinctive shapes when their kernels explode. So, how did we actually end up with this whimsical food? Andrew Smith traces the history of popcorn.
Lesson by Andrew Smith, directed by Mitchelle Tamariz.

sábado, septiembre 21, 2024

Concierto Tiny Desk: Lenny Kravitz (from home) #Lenny #Kravitz #LennyKravitz #Tiny #TinyDesk #FromHome #music #concert #concertfromhome

En el post de hoy os muestro el concierto desde su casa que ofreció Lenny Kravitz desde su casa en Julio de 2020 en el marco de los conciertos de Tiny Desk Concert de NPR Music durante la época de la pandemia del COVID-19:

Lenny Kravitz: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music's Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It's the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. After wrapping an evocative rendition of "Thinking of You," a touching song he penned in 1998 about his late mother, Lenny Kravitz imparts what's really weighing on him during this historic time. "In the midst of all that's transpiring on our planet right now," he says, "it's a blessed time for introspection, more importantly action. ... What side of history are you standing on?" This Brooklyn-raised bohemian rock icon brings us to his home and tropical paradise in Eleuthera in the Bahamas for this visually alluring Tiny Desk (home) concert. Adjoining him is his longtime collaborator, co-writer and guitarist Craig Ross, and young mentee Yianni Giannakopoulos, who collectively blend rich layers of rhythmic and canorous guitar. "What Did I Do With My Life?" seems like a response to the questions posed in the chorus of "Thinking of You"; the refrain alludes to living up to what his mother wanted him to be. And it's only fitting that he ended with "We Can Get It All Together," a message about the power of unity and oneness. SET LIST "Thinking Of You" "What Did I Do With My Life?" "We Can Get It All Together" MUSICIANS Lenny Kravitz: vocals, guitar; Craig Ross: guitar; Yianni Giannakopoulos: guitar CREDITS Video By: Team LK; Audio By: Team LK; Producer: Abby O'Neill; Audio Mastering Engineer: Josh Rogosin; Video Producer: Morgan Noelle Smith; Associate Producer: Bobby Carter; Executive Producer: Lauren Onkey; Senior VP, Programming: Anya Grundmann

viernes, septiembre 20, 2024

Quote sobre de dónde vienes y a dónde vas (leído en "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker)

A continuación os dejo con otra frase del libro "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker:

"Da igual de dónde vengas, la gente te juzgará por adónde vas. ¿Cuál es tu destino, Leonberg? ¿Qué es para ti el arte? Y ¿qué haces para servirlo?"

from "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker, María Teresa Gallego Urrutia, Amaya García Gallego

jueves, septiembre 19, 2024

Longview by Green Day - Live Junio 2024 - Caja Mágica #longview #GreenDay #CajaMagica

En el post de hoy os propongo la canción Longview en el concierto que ofrecieron Green Day en la Caja Mágica de Madrid en Junio de 2024:

Green Day - Longview @ Madrid

Concert de Green Day al Road to Rio Babel
Caja Magica

miércoles, septiembre 18, 2024

Quote sobre los charlatanes (leído en "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker)

A continuación una frase extraída del libro que leí recientemente titulado "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker en el que hablan de un charlatán capaz de venderlo todo:

"Era un charlatán estupendo, capaz de causar una buena impresión inicial. Habría sido capaz de venderles nieve a los esquimales, usted ya me entiende."

(from "La desaparición de Stephanie Mailer" by Joël Dicker, María Teresa Gallego Urrutia, Amaya García Gallego)

martes, septiembre 17, 2024

TED: Bienvenido al mundo de los ordenadores de audio (by Jason Rugolo) #TED #TEDTalks #technology #mundo #ordenadores #computadores #audio #sonido #JasonRugolo #tecnologia

En el post de hoy os invito a ver la charla TED titulada "Welcome to the World of Audio Computers" o Bienvenido al mundo de los ordenadores de audio realizada por un tal Jason Rugolo:

Welcome to the World of Audio Computers | Jason Rugolo | TED

In an exclusive preview of unreleased technology, designer and inventor Jason Rugolo unveils an entirely new kind of computer you can talk to like a friend. This "audio computer" — which can augment the sounds around you, translate conversations in real time, naturally respond to your voice and more — promises to shake up how we use our devices. It's shown publicly for the first time ever on the TED stage. If you love watching TED Talks like this one, become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas: Follow TED! X:   / tedtalks   Instagram:   / ted   Facebook:   / ted   LinkedIn:   / ted-conferences   TikTok:   / tedtoks   The TED Talks channel features talks, performances and original series from the world's leading thinkers and doers. Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Watch more:    • Welcome to the World of Audio Compute...   TED's videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy: For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at #TED #TEDTalks #technology

lunes, septiembre 16, 2024

Vídeo: Tour virtual por las pirámides de Giza en Egipto (by The Giza Project Harvard University) #Giza #Egipto #piramides #tour #virtual #video

Vía la newsletter Hoy en Internet, os muestro a continuación un interesante vídeo de Youtube con un recorrido virtual por las pirámides de Giza en Egipto en 3D:

DIGITAL GIZA: Giza 3D Tour of the Giza Plateau (by The Giza Project Harvard University) 

Animated video production that provides a general, introductory tour of the Giza Plateau.

The Giza Project at Harvard University

For other media and documents associated with this video:

The Giza Project, a non-profit international initiative based at Harvard University, assembles, curates, and provides free access to archaeological records about one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world: Giza, Egypt. The Project manages the world’s largest digital archive of Giza archival records and media, and uses this diverse content to produce powerful online and traditional academic research tools and new teaching technologies. Our primary mission is to promote curiosity, exploration, and interaction with the records of human history and culture in broader service of cultural heritage management, preservation, education, and research.

Core operations of The Giza Project are supported primarily by grant funding and public contributions. To donate in support of our staff and their fulfillment of the Project's mission, please visit

domingo, septiembre 15, 2024

TED-ED: ¿Por qué fue tan importante el descubrimiento de la Piedra Rosetta? (by Franziska Naether) #TEDED #importancia #descubrimiento #PiedraRosetta #Rosetta #RosettaStone

A continuación un vídeo de Youtube TED-ED en el Franzisha Naether trata de eplicar el por qué fue tan importante el descubrimiento de la Piedra Rosetta o la Rosetta Stone:

Why was the Rosetta Stone so important? - Franziska Naether

Dig into how scholars decoded the writing on the Rosetta Stone, and how this helped them understand ancient hieroglyphs. -- For centuries, scholars puzzled over the hieroglyphs they found carved onto ancient Egyptian ruins, tablets, and papyri. But in 1799, a unique discovery would finally help unlock their meaning. It was a stone inscribed with three different texts: Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic Egyptian, and Ancient Greek. Franziska Naether shares how scholars decoded the ancient message of the Rosetta Stone. Lesson by Franziska Naether, directed by Tim Rauch. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: Check out our merch: ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: Follow us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Peep us on Instagram: ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: Dig deeper with additional resources: Animator's website:   / tim_rauch